Modeling individual loudness perception in cochlear implant recipients with normal contralateral hearing


  • Josef Chalupper Advanced Bionics GmbH, European Research Center, Hannover, Germany


Use of acoustic and electric models may make the fitting of bimodal patients more efficient. The electric loudness model (McKay et al., 2003) was extended to account for simultaneous and high-rate stimulation. Both acoustic and electric loudness models require clinical audiometric data for individualization. While the availability of an individual’s thresholds is essential to achieve accurate model predictions, average values of electric field spread can be used for calculating group data. The use of individual spatial spread functions may further improve model predictions, allowing individual predictions and hence automating bimodal loudness balancing.


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Chalupper, J. (2015). Modeling individual loudness perception in cochlear implant recipients with normal contralateral hearing. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 5, 157–164. Hentet fra