A simplified measurement method of TMTF for hearing-impaired listeners


  • Takashi Morimoto RION Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
  • Takeshi Nakaichi RION Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
  • Kouta Harada RION Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
  • Yasuhide Okamoto Inagi Municipal Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
  • Ayako Kanno Inagi Municipal Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
  • Sho Kanzaki Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
  • Kaoru Ogawa Keio University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan


It is difficult to understand speech for listeners with reduced temporal resolution. To measure the auditory index of temporal resolution in clinical diagnosis, a novel measurement method was proposed. It is called a simplified measurement method of temporal modulation transfer function (S-TMTF). This method is based on measurement of temporal modulation transfer function (TMTF). The novelty of S-TMTF lies in the use of only two thresholds for estimation of peak sensitivity and 3-dB cutoff frequency. One is a threshold of modulation depth and the other is a threshold of modulation frequency. In this study, to evaluate the practicability and accuracy of peak sensitivity and 3-dB cutoff frequency, both S-TMTF and TMTF were measured for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects. Results of S- TMTF were significantly correlated with that of TMTF and the measurement time of S-TMTF could be shortened to one fourth of the time for TMTF. Furthermore, the measurement time will be shortened by using the method of limits. S-TMTF would be applied for clinical diagnosis of hearing impairment.


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Morimoto, T., Nakaichi, T., Harada, K., Okamoto, Y., Kanno, A., Kanzaki, S., & Ogawa, K. (2013). A simplified measurement method of TMTF for hearing-impaired listeners. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 4, 349–355. Hentet fra https://proceedings.isaar.eu/index.php/isaarproc/article/view/2013-39



2013/7. Hearing loss assessment and characterization