Auditory training


  • Sune Thorning Kristensen University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
  • Carsten Daugaard DELTA, Teknisk-Audiologisk Laboratorium, Odense, Denmark


The mapping of a sound pattern to a linguistic context is the base of acoustical communication. This process is taking place whenever language skills are acquired. However, sound cues might be changed or lost in amplification, thereby changing the sound pattern. Adaptation is required to reconnect sound with context. Focused training on this connection will speed up and improve the process. The necessity of this training is evident where hearing is restored from deafness, but a training effect is also expected in rehabilitation of gradually emerging hearing loss. Programs training speech recognition and cognitive skills exist for English speakers. They are used with some success, however the criteria for who will benefit from training are unclear.  From sensory perception evaluation, training the attention to sound details and developing a language about sound attributes is well known, but the use of non-speech stimuli in auditory training has not yet been given much attention. Looking at the hearing-aid fitting process, an improved fitting could be expected if sound description ability is improved within the framework of specialized training. Music as a part of an auditory training program may increase sound property awareness to the benefit of cognitive skills also related to speech perception. Adding music improves the fun and thus the motivation of the training sessions.


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2013/4. Hearing rehabilitation with hearing aids and cochlear implants