Are receptive fields fixed or fluid?


  • Jessica de Boer MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Paul Briley Department of Psychology, University of York, York, United Kingdom
  • Katrin Krumbholz MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Neural representations of sensory stimuli are affected by stimulus- and task context. These effects can be long term, such as observed after intensive training or sensory deprivation, or short term, for instance when stimuli are repeated or attended. Long-term effects are generally associated with changes in neural receptive fields, such as expanded representation of, and increased selectivity for, learned features after training, or cortical remapping after hearing loss. In contrast, short-term context effects are usually explained in terms of either suppressive (e.g., repetition suppression) or facilitatory (e.g., attentional facilitation) gain control, without any change in neural coding parameters. More recent models, however, propose that short-term effects, such as repetition suppression or attention, act not only through gain control of neuron populations, but also change the receptive fields of individual neurons. In this view, receptive fields are considered not as fixed, but rather as fluid and instantly adaptable. In this paper, new data are presented, based on non-invasive electro-physiological recordings in humans, which support the notion that short-term context effects cause rapid receptive-field plasticity.


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de Boer, J., Briley, P., & Krumbholz, K. (2013). Are receptive fields fixed or fluid?. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 4, 89–100. Hentet fra



2013/2. Physiological correlates and modeling of auditory plasticity