HRTF adaptation and pattern learning


  • Florian Klein Electronic Media Technology Lab, Institute for Media Technology, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany
  • Stephan Werner Electronic Media Technology Lab, Institute for Media Technology, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany


The human ability of spatial hearing is based on the anthropometric characteristics of the pinnae, head, and torso. These characteristics are changing slowly over the years and therefore it is obvious that the hearing system must be adaptable to some degree. Researchers have already been able to measure this effect, but still there are many open questions like the influence of training time and stimuli, level of immersion, type of feedback, and inter-subject variances. With HRTF (head-related-transfer-function) adaptation it might also be possible to increase the plausibility of acoustical scenes over time. When measuring adaptation effects in a spatial hearing test it is important to distinguish between conscious pattern learning and perceptive adaptation. To increase the quality of virtual auditory display the amount of perceptive adaptation is of major interest. In an earlier spatial listening test high training effects could be observed within a short period of training. To investigate the different types of training a second listening test was conducted. The acoustic stimuli were altered between the test and training sessions to avoid pattern learning. The results are compared to the previous findings and give further insights into the topic of perceptive adaptation of HRTFs.


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Klein, F., & Werner, S. (2015). HRTF adaptation and pattern learning. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 4, 69–76. Hentet fra



2013/1. Basic perceptual studies of training, learning, and generalization