Cross-frequency integration in inputs in a functional model of MSO


  • Ville Pulkki Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Helsinki University of Technology, POBox 3000, FI-02015 TKK


McAlpine et al. (2001) have measured the response of medial superior olive (MSO) indirectly from inferior colliculus with broadband stimulus having ITD as a parameter. In the resulting ITD functions, it can be seen that the output of MSO is low or random with ITDs corresponding to the best ITD advanced or delayed by a full period at the best frequency, i.e., the sidelobes of the ITD function are relatively low. This effect is striking, since it is known that the impulse response of cochlea is relatively long, meaning that any kind of correlation operation directly between ipsi- and contralateral inputs of MSO cannot produce such low sidelobes. In earlier work of the author a functional model for MSO has been proposed, which follows count-comparison principles. In the present paper it is shown that when it is assumed that the input to each side of a MSO cell is a result of coincidence counting process of a number of adjacent frequency bands of one side, the output of the MSO model has very similar behaviour at the sidelobes when compared with the neurophysiological recordings.


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Pulkki, V. (2009). Cross-frequency integration in inputs in a functional model of MSO. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 2, 545–553. Hentet fra