Orientation abilities and intelligibility of speech in noise in single sided deaf persons provided with a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA)


  • Susanne Köbler Department of Audiology, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
  • Karin Strömbäck Department of Otosurgery, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
  • Susan Saeidi Uppsala Hearing Clinic, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Hans Christian Larsen Department of Audiology, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
  • Konrád Konrádsson Department of Audiology, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden


The present pilot study describes results for speech intelligibility in noise and localisation abilities of single sided deaf (SSD) persons treated with a bone- anchored hearing aid (BAHA) on the deaf side in order to provide bilateral signals via transcranial contralateral stimulation. Tools in this investigation with ve participants were psychoacoustical measurements including presentation of phonemically balanced (PB) words presented from the front in a quasi-free eld. Corresponding noise was presented from the front, the normal hearing and the deaf side respectively. Abilities of orientation and speech understanding were measured by presenting sentences from randomly chosen directions (-90°, 0°, or +90° azimuth) in the presence of noise. The patients pointed out the speech-emitting speaker and simultaneously repeated the presented sentence. Preliminary results showed no impact of the BAHA on understanding PB words regardless of the direction of the background noise. There was a tendency for bene t of the BAHA for speech perception with speech from varying directions, but no effect on directionality within this task. The patients also nished three different inquiries dealing with benefit of the BAHA, a health-related and a quality of life instrument.


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Köbler, S., Strömbäck, K., Saeidi, S., Larsen, H. C., & Konrádsson, K. (2009). Orientation abilities and intelligibility of speech in noise in single sided deaf persons provided with a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 2, 335–342. Hentet fra https://proceedings.isaar.eu/index.php/isaarproc/article/view/2009-34



2009/3. Speech processing and perception under adverse conditions