Comparison of decision criteria for interaural correlation discrimination


  • Helge Lüddemann Medizinische Physik, Fakultät V, Institut für Physik, Carl von OssietzkyUniversität Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany
  • Helmut Riedel Medizinische Physik, Fakultät V, Institut für Physik, Carl von OssietzkyUniversität Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany
  • Birger Kollmeier Medizinische Physik, Fakultät V, Institut für Physik, Carl von OssietzkyUniversität Oldenburg, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany


This contribution presents psychometric functions for interaural correlation (IAC) discriminability with respect to nine reference correlations (+1, 0, –1 and six intermediate values), measured in a novel 2-pair-2-AFC paradigm. Data were analyzed in various ways, to demonstrate that the normalized cross correlation coef cient (ρ) is generally inadequate for a description of psychoacoustical data by means of normal signal detection theory (SDT). Besides this rather destructive outcome, a Thurstone model case V [Thurstone, Psychol. Rev. 34, 273-286 (1927)] was tted to the joint set of data from all pairwise comparisons, to determine a decision variable which is fully compatible with equal variance Gaussian SDT (allows for prediction of discrimination rates and thresholds independent of the reference correlation). The optimal decision variable is well approximated by the dB-scaled ratio of energies in the correlated (N0) and anticorrelated (Nπ) signal components, but only if the effects of a noisy periphery are considered.


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Lüddemann, H., Riedel, H., & Kollmeier, B. (2009). Comparison of decision criteria for interaural correlation discrimination. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 2, 181–190. Hentet fra



2009/2. Perceptual measures and models of spatial hearing