Gain, nonlinearity and regulation in the mammalian cochlea


  • Robert B. Patuzzi The Auditory Laboratory, Discipline of Physiology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia
  • Greg A. O'Beirne The Auditory Laboratory, Discipline of Physiology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia; Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand


Apart from acute conductive problems, we normally think of a person’s pure- tone audiogram as relatively fixed, changing rapidly only rarely (e.g. stroke, stula, Ménière’s syndrome). Given that outer hair cells (OHCs) actively enhance cochlear vibration 50-60dB by cancelling internal friction, we should expect cochlear gain to be very sensitive to changes in component parts, as in any positive feedback system. This is especially true when the components are highly nonlinear, with their small-signal efficiency depending on the slope of their transfer curve at the operating point. As a result, it seems inescapa- ble that cochlear gain is regulated in some way. Indeed there is evidence that it is usually maintained within a tolerance of a few decibel by good 'design' to reject disturbances, and by a dynamic servo-loop to stabilize gain. For example, after intense but non-traumatic low-frequency tones, the audiogram can slowly oscillate up and down by as much as 30 dB, suggesting underdamped gain stabilization. How the cochlea's design minimizes large perturbations and how OHCs stabilize their gain are discussed using experimental data from animals and humans, and with mathematical modelling of the feedback systems controlling the highly nonlinear OHCs. This suggests that co-evolution of the cochlea's geometry, electro-anatomy and membrane proteins has produced a robust system to stabilize the OHC feedback forces against changes in the cochlea's internal battery (endocochlear potential), against slow changes in pressure within the cochlea, and ultimately against unavoidable variations in the density of the OHC's own membrane proteins.


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Patuzzi, R. B., & O’Beirne, G. A. (2007). Gain, nonlinearity and regulation in the mammalian cochlea. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 1, 159–172. Hentet fra



2007/2. Physiological correlates of auditory functions