Simulating hearing loss with a transmission-line model for the optimization of hearing aids


  • Peter van Hengel INCAS3, Assen, The Netherlands


Modern hearing aids provide many parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the hearing experience of the individual user. Optimization of these parameters can be based on a comparison of an internal representation of sound processed by the hearing aid and the impaired hearing system with the representation in a non-impaired ear. Models that can represent the most common types of hearing loss and can be adjusted to fit individual hearing loss can play a crucial role in such optimization procedures. Simulations are presented that show the potential of a transmission line model in such a procedure. The model is extended to remap cochleogram energy based on estimations of the local instantaneous frequency. This ‘remapping’ of the cochleogram gives an advantage in tone-in-noise detection that may be related to neural deafferentation.


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How to Cite

van Hengel, P. (2015). Simulating hearing loss with a transmission-line model for the optimization of hearing aids. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 5, 181–188. Retrieved from